
Electronification pushes the need for more flexible systems

July 28, 2021

On my way into one of my first face to face client meetings in a very long time, I read through an interesting report in The Trade (US outpaces Europe in electronic bond trading growth, report finds on

Even though Europe is lagging behind the US growth figures, 60 per cent growth is still an impressive uptake. And the electronification is only going to grow, as most trends in the US find their way across the Atlantic. In addition, the article highlights that the willingness to adapt to new protocols is vital for growth.

However, I would like to add that to accommodate this level of growth, the industry will need trading platforms that reflect this future and that have the capacity to evolve as individual firms develop their own strategic agility to thrive over the coming years.

This, in turn, will drive electronification even further as much faster times-to-market by participant firms will move the whole industry forward.

Electronic Trading

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Continued growth of electronic corporate bond trading
Electronic Trading

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