Welcome to the 21st century

Data-driven marketing in the “digital now”

Data-driven marketing (DDM) dominates digital business models, with data at the core of the “digital now.” Essential for competitive customer experiences, neglecting data in 2022 poses a business risk, contrasting the past where it was a waste of potential.

Photo of young woman smiling looking at her computer screen.

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Customer relationship management – the technical backbone of sales, marketing and customer service.

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Data-driven marketing in the “digital now”.

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Customer data platform: Everything begins and ends with data.

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Products tailored to personal customer experiences, configurability but also individualization.

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Consent Management

The structured collection of consent for the storage and processing of data.

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Customer Feedback

The relationship with your customers consists of give and take.

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Customer Loyalty

Acquire and retain customers.

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We take data seriously

Data-driven marketing: a guarantee of sovereignty

Making business digital is a top priority. And taking business-relevant data into your own hands is more than just a well-intentioned recommendation in light of the new world, the world of the platform economy and “walled gardens”.

Digital independence

Anyone who doesn’t strive for this at least partially depends on the big giants of the Internet. This position takes many shapes and forms:

  • primary customer acquisition and revenue generation through paid marketing
  • outsourcing transactions to third-party providers and marketplaces
  • ceding rights to customer data through external processing

All, to some extent, threaten business sovereignty in the “digital now”.

So maintaining your independence is crucial. And sovereignty can only be maintained by those who understand data-driven business models.

Photo of a man sitting at his laptop – his face is not visible.


Data-driven marketing as a value lever: from CRM to KPIs

Moving a business model into the “digital now” requires an expanded understanding of process and impact. Customer relationship management systems and customer engagement technologies provide the foundation for this.

But it takes more than that – namely: tangible KPIs with strategic value. These not only help you to measure success but essentially to plan success. Two central KPIs serve as strategic guard rails, especially in combination, for the entire discipline in all its facets.



Customer lifetime value: Those who optimize on these factors and also have the right technologies will never again prefer other KPIs. Instead of comparing the KPIs of a campaign in a one-dimensional way, the CLV, through its multidimensional view, also reveals potential in addition to performance.


Customer acquisition cost: Investing in customer acquisition again and again is expensive. The CAC has its focus exactly on that. When customers are activated on the basis of your own data, the costs significantly decrease. In combination with the CLV, data-driven action can achieve previously undreamed-of efficiencies.

Working with data generates data.

work as a perpetuum mobile

Although data volumes seem to multiply on their own given the abundance of digital touchpoints, it is not uncommon for them to lack translation into concrete use cases. This phenomenon has many names: data-action gaps, insight-to-action gaps, value-to-action gaps – doesn’t matter. When marketing processes are automated, otherwise scarce resources can be increasingly used to define new use cases. Data-driven = driver and space opener.

More action is what marketing needs. And it is followed by what it started with: new data. And more action again! Data orientation in marketing then amounts to a gift for companies.

Data-driven marketing means: being able to achieve more by doing more!

The data-driven marketing repertoire

It’s all about the overall composition. At valantic, we make use of various digital elements in order to fully exploit the corresponding potential of the perpetuum mobile called data-driven marketing.

Whether we think about the superstructure of the IT architecture in the form of a CRM system or refine existing system landscapes with a customer data platform – our heart beats for this stuff!

data-driven disciplines

  • Customer Data Platform (CDP)
  • Personalization
  • Consent Management
  • Customer Feedback
  • Customer Loyalty
Junge Frau präsentiert Projetkidee an einem White Board.
Zwei elements-Mitarbeiter*innen checken eine Auswahl an Influencer*innen und Content Creators.
Zwei valantic Austria Mitarbeiterinnen beim Auswerten einer CRO-Analyse.
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Drei Mitarbeiter der Full-Service-Agentur valantic Austria, die einen Erfolg zusammen feiern.

Ready for the next level of customer engagement?

Just give us a call!

Nils Weber, Managing Director and Partner at valantic

Nils Weber
