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White tablet displaying the title page of valantic FSA's Fixed Income Expert Network Report. The report title is 'Investing to Meet the Demands of an Evolving Market'.

Electronic Trading

May 31, 2024

Report Q2 2024: Investing to meet the demands of an evolving market

This edition features significant updates: our network now includes both buy-side and sell-side fixed income participants. We explore firm performance in 2023, the anticipated impact of T+1 settlement rules in the US, and the growth…

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Electronic Trading

January 5, 2024

Report Q1 2024: The opportunity amid the volatility

Our sixth Sell-Side Fixed Income Expert Network Report reflects on the performance and challenges within global fixed income markets amid considerable volatility. It highlights how market volatility has assisted clients in navigating uncertainties but underscores…

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Electronic Trading

July 21, 2023

Report No.5 2023: The long wave of electronification in fixed income

In our 5th report, we examine the deepening electronification of fixed income markets. This is a secular trend that has been taking place for many years, and continues to gain momentum as clients demand greater…

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Payments Automation

June 23, 2023

Whitepaper: Enabling instant cross-border payments

Payment methods around the world have undergone significant changes in recent years, with emerging technologies and innovation driving speed, efficiency, and transparency. So, what lies on the road ahead for banks? One thing is for…

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Payments Automation

April 25, 2023

Whitepaper: An overview of the current state of the global landscape

In this article produced in partnership with Greyspark Partners, the unique aspects of clearing and settlement applied to crypto assets is explored along with the reasons why solutions that were originally designed for securities and…

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Electronic Trading

January 17, 2023

Report No.4 2023: Optimizing growth in 2023

After a strong 2022 for fixed income, reflected in Q4 results, there’s renewed interest in fixed income as an asset class with further appetite for investment in the space within the sell-side community. In our…

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Electronic Trading

November 2, 2022

Report No.3 2023: Analyzing the impact of market volatility

Volatility this year has brought both challenges and opportunities to all asset classes. As bond yields soar in the wake of rising inflation and fiscal tightening by central banks, fixed income has been at the…

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Electronic Trading

July 22, 2022

Report No.2 2023: Technology in fixed income markets

For fixed income businesses across the sell-side, 2022 is set to be a year in which new opportunities will emerge. Members of the valantic FSA Sell-Side Fixed Income Expert Network are optimistic about the year…

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Electronic Trading

April 5, 2022

Report No.1 2023: The future of fixed income markets

Although the electronification of the fixed income markets has been ongoing for longer than two decades, it is only more recently that we are seeing broader adoption and smarter automation of the workflows. This report…

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