Use change to your advantage

Change Management in Digital Transformation

Technology, IT, and process transformations are integral components of successfully operating companies and are essential for continuous development and improvement. The foundation for the success of such projects is solid change management. As long-time experts, we understand the importance of structured change management in digital transformation and support companies in managing change.

Diverse group of smiling businesspeople talking together during a casual meeting in the lounge area of a modern office

No Fear of Change – valantic Accompanies You Through Every Phase of Transformation

In a constantly changing business world, we guide your company through comprehensive change initiatives. From analysis and strategy development to practical implementation, we are by your side. Our goal is to not only adjust processes, systems, and strategies but also to realign structures, values, and behaviors.

With our expertise in change management, we enhance the efficiency and productivity of your company by involving employees early on and minimizing resistance. Let’s work towards success together and lead your company into the future.

Professionell Change Management

A Key Role in Corporate Change

Restructurings, process optimizations, new IT systems, mergers, carve-outs – The potential triggers for change projects are diverse and require guidance and support in the form of individually tailored change management.

The term ‘change management’ encompasses the steering of profound, planned changes within organizations. This management primarily relates to the people in companies who are affected by the change.

Female entrepreneur raising her hand to answer a question during business conference in convention center.

Handling Emotions Appropriately Determines Success or Failure

Organizational change typically requires the restructuring of areas of responsibility and workflows of employees.

Software that has been used up to now becomes redundant, and familiar work techniques and contents, often applied for years, must be changed or adapted.

Deviating from accustomed practices triggers a feeling of insecurity among those affected, which often results in a resistant attitude towards new changes in practice. This resistance can be the decisive cause for the failure of change projects.

Therefore, in every change process, the challenge is to identify the causes of resistance, to prevent or overcome potential blockades, and to communicate changes as positive processes to those affected.

Businesswoman smiling at meeting table, listening, learning, success, happiness

The primary goal is thus the development of a concept that outlines concrete ways to reduce negative reactions and increase acceptance of new changes. To effectively manage organizational change and ensure a smooth process, it requires:

  • clear visions and objectives,
  • open communication,
  • active participation of those affected,
  • empowering employees through training and support,
  • identification and management of potential resistances, and
  • continuous monitoring and adjustment of the change.

This approach is essential to guarantee that the objectives are met not just temporarily, but sustainably, even after the project has concluded.

We employ proven methods and theoretical models to meet the needs and requirements of our clients and successfully guide them through various transformation projects.

Success Factors That We Consider in Our Projects

valantic Change Management Framework

In addition to the actual transformation project, certain factors are crucial for solid change management.

At the beginning of every change process, the emphasis is on clarifying the urgency of the initiative so that both leaders and employees can develop a shared awareness of the need for change. A competent and assertive project team takes care of developing a vision to derive appropriate strategies and determine the general direction of the change.

Once the implementation has been initiated and the target vision has been set, continuous and clear communication must be ensured, the qualification of the employees must be guaranteed, and participation and feedback processes must be established.

Throughout the entire change process, constant monitoring and control are important to drive the change forward and ensure consistent implementation. At the end of the project, it must be ensured that the new approaches, procedures, and behaviors are sustainably anchored and stabilized.

Graphic, that shows the key success factors of change management

Success Factors of Our valantic Change Management Frameworks

Communication, employee qualification, and participation play a prominent role:


Communication is the key to implementing changes. Regular and open communication with employees helps to address concerns and fears, ensuring the understanding and commitment of all involved. To actively drive change, awareness of the urgency of the change must be maintained through targeted communication until the goal is achieved.


Qualification is an important aspect of change, as the lack of necessary skills or formal structures can significantly delay the progress of the change process. Employees must have the necessary expertise to successfully implement the changes.


By involving and actively engaging employees, new habits can be established sustainably and profoundly, eventually becoming an integral part of the company culture. Such anchoring occurs when the connection between new actions and improved performance is perceived.

Toolbased Change Management

Change management in transformation projects can greatly benefit from the use of various tools.

These tools support different areas of change management – including planning, training of employees, and company-wide communication. They provide assistance in dealing with problems and challenges that may arise in the context of process, personnel, or software changes, and ultimately prevent deviation from the already established strategy.

Portrait of smiling fulfilled young woman holding digital tablet device, looking at camera, sitting at desk at home with laptop computer in front of her and cup of coffee.

Mastering Change Successfully Together

The Roles in Which We Support You


We support those in charge as sparring partners in matters of change and collaborate on solutions for emerging challenges.


With our approaches and methods, we empower leaders and employees to remain capable of action in transformation projects and to further develop their competencies.


As a catalyst, we further develop the company’s internal culture with concepts tailored to needs, to facilitate future transformations.


As an external service provider, we have a neutral perspective on the company, which enables us to identify emotional tensions such as resistance, worries, and fears early on and to derive appropriate measures.


It is important to us to convey complex topics in an understandable way and to develop appropriate storytelling.


We implement change and communication measures in a purposeful, attractive, and target group-oriented manner.


We ensure to bring together all necessary parties, to keep the focus on objectives, and to initiate stimulated discussions.


As a motivator, we inspire all employees with suitable measures for the change.

Your Contact

Maike Balzer, Lead Consultant, valantic Management Consulting

Maike Balzer

Lead Consultant

valantic Management Consulting GmbH