valantic ptimizes the Purchasing, Ordering, and Approval Processes

valantic puts E-commerce at TOPSERV on a Future-Proof Footing

valantic supported the cleaning, care, and hygiene specialist TOPSERV with its e-commerce presence using the Shopware 6 system.

Photo of happy woman sitting and working at her office desk.

The Company: TOPSERV

Formed from the merger of four medium-sized family-owned companies, TOPSERV offers its large and small commercial and institutional customers nationwide consulting and supplies in the areas of professional cleaning, hygiene, and care, providing over 100,000 high-quality products and services.

For municipal facilities such as administrative buildings, kindergartens and gyms, the healthcare sector, and industry, TOPSERV is the strategic partner for cleaning and hygiene products, disinfectants, workwear, and care products.

Photo of a young man with glasses sitting at his laptop and looking at a colleague.

The Challenge

A Stable, Intuitive Ordering Platform for Process Optimization With Simple Porting From One Platform to Another

TOPSERV, which arose from the merger of four medium-sized family-owned businesses, was faced with the challenge of bringing together different ordering systems from across the various group companies. The company was looking for an intuitive store solution for customers, large and small, that could map the complex customer structures and allow individual prices to be agreed upon for each customer. TOPSERV wanted to offer each of its customers an efficient, user-friendly, intuitive ordering process.

Shopware 6 serves as the platform for this goal and as the group-wide e-commerce technology. In this way, a uniform industry standard is to be gradually established. A huge amount of customization was needed for the overall project. TOPSERV wanted to position itself for the future with the new e-commerce solution and be able to use innovations such as API First and others.

Photo of a young man presenting the latest customer journey data via PowerPoint in a meeting.

Solutions & Results in Detail

The e-commerce platform Shopware was ultimately chosen for two reasons: firstly, Shopware offers an excellent price-performance ratio; and secondly, the standard version of the product already mapped many of TOPSERV’s needs. The costs and time required for customizing, implementing and rolling out the solution were therefore lower than for other store platforms.

Key Characteristics of Shopware V6:

  • Outstanding flexibility and scalability
  • Excellent price-performance ratio
  • Standard version delivered with a wide range of features
  • Supports extensive customization options
  • Numerous plug-ins available
  • Uncomplicated connectivity to peripheral systems such as PIM, CRM and ERP through API First approach

Goals and Results:

  • Intuitive, user-friendly ordering process
  • Enhanced acquisition of new customers
  • Increased share of digital orders in relation to total revenue
  • More objects ordered and more branch orders from digitally connected customers
  • Lower error rates for digital orders

Five advantages at a glance

  • Intuitive, user-friendly ordering process
  • Optimal basis for acquiring new customers
  • Short project timescales – standard version already delivered with a wide range of features
  • Excellent price-performance ratio
  • Fast connection of peripheral systems through API First

TOPSERV’s Goal: To Supply All Customers With Their Products/Objects at Their Individually Negotiated Prices

To let them systematically exploit synergy effects and e.g. leverage their combined purchasing power, the Toussaint Group of Companies, Durner and the Wencke Management GmbH and Julius Brune joined forces to form the cleaning, care, and hygiene specialist TOPSERV. The TOPSERV network supplies customers nationwide, offering them everything from gloves and protective clothing to special hygiene products and cleaning robots, all from a single source.

Quantum Leap in E-commerce

TOPSERV’s challenge was to consolidate the formerly separate stores into a single, common e-commerce solution to give all of its customers an optimal shopping experience with intuitive, user-friendly ordering processes free of technical obstacles.

The standard version of the Shopware e-commerce platform already maps many of TOPSERV’s requirements, thus reducing project time and costs. Also, Shopware systematically follows an API First approach, allowing peripheral systems such as PIM, CRM, and ERP to be connected relatively easily and without problems. TOPSERV and valantic’s consultants jointly took the platform live in August 2022.

Portrait Patrick Gottsacker TOPSERV

Patrick Gottsacker
CX consultant and project manager at valantic

Every business that accesses the ordering platform has its own unique characteristics, and careful consideration and contemplation is needed to implement this. It was, and remains, an extremely challenging project – for TOPSERV, a quantum leap in e-commerce and another step towards Order Solution as an industry standard."

Focus On User-Friendly Ordering Processes With Custom Pricing

From day one, TOPSERV was less concerned with the KPIs of classic B2C business. Rather, their main focus was on a stable ordering platform with optimized processes that offers customers, large and small, intuitive, user-friendly ordering processes without convoluted navigation and technical hurdles.

Also, the API First approach that is systematically implemented in Shopware ensures that shops can be ported easily from one platform to another – an important criterion for software developers and architects.

Portrait Manuel Seraphin Falout TOPSERV

Manuel Seraphin-Falout
Head of E-business & Technology at TOPSERV

We made absolutely the right decision with valantic and, together, implemented a Shopware-based e-commerce solution that superbly meets our complex requirements."

Opportunities & Plans

Shopware recently introduced an AI pilot that guides customers through the product range and makes purchase recommendations.

Artificial Intelligence offers fantastic opportunities, and will continue to revolutionize e-commerce in the future, significantly enhancing the shopping experience and customer satisfaction.

woman points to a whiteboard with writing on it

We are Your Contacts

Portrait of Reto Rutz, Executive Director at valantic Customer Engagement and Commerce Switzerland

Reto Rutz

Partner & Managing Director

valantic Division Customer Experience

Daniel Franz

Daniel Franz

"Hallo" from Siegen

+49 271 233701 14

Portrait of Dietmar Rietsch, Executive Director at New Media Solutions GmbH, a valantic company

Dietmar Rietsch

Partner & Managing Director

valantic Division Customer Experience

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