
What’s new in SAP Datasphere (August 2024)

Victoria-Sophie Marx

September 26, 2024

SAP Datasphere

Last month, we reported on the latest features in SAP Datasphere. Since this blog post, the range of functions has been extended. Therefore, we will present the most important and interesting changes below.

This time, the focus of the blog post is on data integration, data modeling, BW Bridge, and space management.

Data integration at SAP Datasphere

Data integration improves connectivity to the SAP S/4HANA Cloud, making it easier and more accessible to ABAP-managed CDS Views entities. If you use the SQL service, it is possible to access the CDS views of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud directly instead of using the SQL layer of the cloud database. The security concepts are maintained at the ABAP level and users can benefit from the ABAP-SQL semantics. If CDS objects are required from an ABAP system, the SQL service allows external SQL read access. Unlike a direct SQL read operation, for example, typecast works reliably and correctly and security concepts, such as authorization and authentication, are maintained. As compared to using an OData interface, the SQL service offers the advantage of unrestricted access to all published ABAP CDS view entities. Data from different entities can be merged and aggregated for further processing. Here, there is a distinction between federation and replication. Federation allows direct access to the data without replicating it in its own system. For this, there is the option of replication, so that the data can also be used locally.

In order to be able to use this SQL service, the installation of ABAP development tools will be available in addition to a user in the S4/HANA with the role of developer in the ABAP environment. There are also limitations, such as the match of CDS and SQL names, and the inability to replicate CDS views with parameters during replication.

The next update is for users who want to replicate CDS views to an ABAP-based system. Users can model their own additional logic, such as complex filters or triggering additional processes, in the replication flow. For this purpose, a BAdl implementation can be created in the ABAP-based system. You can then select a replication object in SAP Datasphere. A BAdl implementation allows you to extend ABAP programs without changing the original code. This enables customization of programs without having to change the functionality in the original code.

Data modeling

There are also some innovations in data modeling. Previously, the data could not be displayed in split views if they contained input parameters. This restriction no longer applies since the last release. Another detail is that suggested values are specified for the corresponding input parameters. A user with whom this view is shared in his space can either accept it or specify his own values if necessary. This allows views to be used in a variety of ways and increases the reuse context. In addition, data can be reviewed and displayed even if the source space is not accessible.

The second change is the option to add a prefix/suffix to the technical name in the future. For analysis models with dimensions from multiple sources, attribute names may be identical in each dimension. The attribute names can then be distinguished by a prefix/suffix per source dimension. This function can be accessed in Data Builder through the properties of the view. This innovation makes it possible to improve clarity and comprehensibility in central or large models. At the same time, it can be used to implement naming conventions automatically.

A familiar option, from the Business Builder, has been integrated into the Data Builder as a new feature: Sharing and managing stable views. This release gives users of views the assurance that no unexpected changes will be made, and backward compatibility will be guaranteed for projects built on it. Once a view has been created and no further major changes are planned, this view can be shared. It should be ensured that the data will be consistent for two years, as this is the smallest possible time period for a view.

However, a few changes are still possible after the release. Examples include adding columns, adding suggested values, and setting associations. This ensures that the evaluation horizon for view users is not reduced, while the range of functions and data is extended.

There are different states of the views for larger adjustments or extensions:

  • Not released
  • Released
  • Discontinued
  • Decommissioned

In the event of a major change, it is recommended that you first set the view to “Discontinued.” This means that it will last at least a year, and it must have been published for a total of two years. It is also necessary to provide a view based on this in order to provide users with an appropriate time frame for migration. After this wait time, the view can be decommissioned and deleted.

The last interesting change to the data modeling is the update of the import function. Previously, content packages could only be imported into a space that had the same technical name as the export space. This has changed since the last release. In the future, space mapping will help the user in that an import is possible for each space that is listed in the package. A condition is that all shared objects must exist in the package.

BW Bridge:

As the demand for a move from BW to Datasphere increases, the scope of the SAP BW Bridge is increasing. The following updates facilitate migration:

  • From now on, it can be checked whether data has been updated in the data flow and then the data protection templates can be updated.
  • A new view in the BW Modeling Tool supports adding many local objects to a list and assigning them to a transport request.
  • If necessary, the system can be customized to generate CDS views when creating DataStore objects. These CDS views provide a data model for DataStore objects. The model can then be used in customer-specific developments.

Space management:

In the space management sector, the management and setting of priorities and instruction limits was implemented in the new workload management area. This can be found in the under System and then Configuration. The values can only be viewed on the detail page of a space.

At the same time, the CLI (Command Line Interface) has also been extended to include these new functions, which means that these space priorities and statement limits can now be queried and changed if necessary. The change can be implemented for one or more spaces at the same time.


In conclusion, the latest updates to the SAP Datasphere continue to make it easier for users to use the Datasphere. At the same time, the connection to SAP S4/HANA is still being extended to transfer lossless data and models. The continuous expansion of the BW Bridge allows an easier move from the on-premises world to the cloud.

We are looking forward to the next updates and to being available to answer any questions you may have.

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