
Conversational AI

Conversational AI (AI = artificial intelligence) is the totality of technologies that stand behind automated message transmission and voice-activated applications that enable human interactions between computers and people. Conversational AI can communicate like a person by recognizing speech and text, understanding intention, decoding different languages, and reacting in a way that imitates a human conversation. With conversational AI, the focus is on dialogue in order to reach the solution desired by the customer. These dialogues can be conducted via a wide variety of communication channels, whereby the conversation partner and conversation context are ideally recognized by the AI. valantic uses conversational AI as a user interface for our customers’ automated processes.

small business owner having an online meeting in a warehouse. Female entrepreneur video calling her business partners on a laptop. Happy businesswoman running an online startup.

Digitalization Services November 16, 2023

Generative AI (GenAI): The evolution of creativity through technology

In the world of artificial intelligence, a revolution is in progress that goes far beyond simple algorithms: It goes by the name of GenAI.

Generative AI (GenAI): The evolution of creativity through technology
Bild eines Roboters, einer Gruppe von diskutierenden Menschen, ein Chatfenster eines Chatbots

Business Analytics January 11, 2022

A Chatbot on the Test Bench

In our blog contribution, Felix Kopf, Software Engineer and Consultant at valantic, demonstrates what kinds of questions accompany chatbot development and how varied these are.

A Chatbot on the Test Bench
Bilder von einer telefonierenden Frau und einem Smartphone, valantic Digitale Assistenten im Kundenservice

Digitalization Services May 5, 2020

Why digital assistants are so valuable in customer dialogues

Conversational AI in customer service leads to more dynamics in problem solving which has enormous potential for digital assistants and chatbots.

Why digital assistants are so valuable in customer dialogues