Alexander Diepold

Partner & Head of Strategic Finance, valantic

Portrait of Alexander Diepold, CFO at valantic

“Financial Enabler creating a financially strong organization!”

What do you see as your most important task at valantic?

Undoubtedly, listening and effective communication. In a company growing as quickly as our own, we have to understand our colleagues’ needs in other divisions; this is crucial for structuring our FI & CO processes so they create value. At the same time, our colleagues must also grasp the needs of a company the size of valantic. Good communication is therefore decisive for realizing our vision of “making valantic the most respected digital consulting and solutions brand in Europe”.

What distinguishes valantic from other organizations?

While traditional corporations often have rigid structures, valantic deliberately positioned itself differently. For example, each FI & CO Competence Center is allowed to operate with a high level of flexibility and agility. This provides for flat hierarchies and efficient coordination processes, allowing quick, direct decision-making aligned with our customers’ needs. At the same time, everyone benefits from the professional systems and digital processes that a strong financial organization needs to be a stable and dependable partner.

Alexander, what did you do before joining valantic?

After studying business administration, I worked in various corporate finance and controlling roles, including at Kabel Deutschland and Allgeier SE. At Allgeier, besides performing the traditional reporting tasks of a listed company, I shared responsibility for integrating new acquisitions, including managing a large Indian unit on-site.

Outside work, I am a proud father of two children and enjoy exploring new places with my wife and family.