Slavy Slavov

Partner & Managing Director, valantic Division Customer Experience

Slavy Slavov, CTO of AIOPSGROUP – a valantic company

Empowering Success and Nurturing Long-Term Partnerships through Exceptional Value

What motivates you?

Innovation, results and help others grow! The e-commerce reality is both, evolving dynamically and offer complex challenges. This is inspiring to me as it gives us a chance to be ahead of the game. We learn and ideate every day, even after more than 10 years in the field. Every time we meet a client, I am naturally driven by the desire to understand their needs and gaps, and deliver a flawless and effective solution for any business – be it in an optimized service manner or via the ongoing innovation and development of their solutions. It is a pity to miss picking the fruit of an already grown tree, and we are here to ensure maximum value to our customers.

What distinguishes valantic from other consulting firms? / valantic in three sentences.  

True to our values

Open-minded and fair

Smart and driven to be the best

What are your responsibilities at valantic?

I’m part of the CX division and driving the Salesforce Commerce Cloud operations as well as helping other valantic CX departments to grow their engineering power in our Sofia, India and Serbia based centers of excellence

What are you on fire for? 

We are a very result driven team, and result does not only mean “let’s grow the team”, it also means let’s grow our customer’s business. We are always looking how the make things better, how to innovate, how to add more value in what we do. It’s really amazing to see that the work delivered is helping the customers, optimizing their activities and bringing them on the next level.

What are you focusing on at valantic?  

Growth, Delivery, Sustainability

What makes valantic special for you?  

Frankly speaking, I am split between “values” and “opportunities”. valantic’s decentralized organization gives really amazing opportunities for cross team growth and expansion. At the same time values are real, people are living with them rather than using them as a marketing instrument. It is important to feel that you can rely on the people around you and they share same values with you.

Why do you love working at valantic?  

valantic has a friendly, open-minded and uplifting environment that makes your day and work process seamless and joyful. Everyone is extremely smart and driven, and collaboration is a pleasure.