Christoph Nichau

Partner & Managing Director, valantic Division Strategy & Analytics

Christoph Nichau, valantic Partner & Managing Director, Division Digital Strategy & Analytics

Christoph Nichau is a trusted advisor to investors for digital and technology M&A. His motto: “Do not stop at ok. Thrive to make it better.”

What distinguishes valantic from other consulting firms? / valantic in three sentences.

It is a lot about culture as “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. However if you bring a healthy culture, strong business, and technology expertise to the table, this is what valantic is like. Traditional consultancies are designed around a culture of constant competition. Our culture is based on long-term relationships with our customers and the team.

What do you do at valantic?

I am a trusted advisor to investors for Commercial and Technology Due Diligence and value creation. My team and I assess companies, business models, and emerging technologies for investors, thus enabling them to make the best-informed decisions and lift the full potential of their investment.

Over the course of the last 10 years my team and I have assessed more than 360 deals with a combined deal volume of more than 20bn EUR (as of February 2023).

What are you on fire for?

I am gaining new insights into companies, customers, industries, and technology every day. Considering my curiosity, I cannot think of a more satisfying responsibility. At the same time, I am highly involved in every engagement as it feels like it is my money to be invested in these companies.

What did you do before joining valantic?

I started my career about 20 years before joining valantic and am blessed to have experienced excellent learning environments, leaders, and cultures. I am happy to see the best of all these experiences reflected in what we have created and now preserve at valantic.