
UBS Bond Port integrates valantic’s iQbonds

Electronic bond trading with comprehensive data exchange tool

Frankfurt a.M./Magdeburg, 01 October 2019 – valantic Financial Services Automation, a business unit of the global valantic Group, is the worldwide leading supplier of electronic trading software, and UBS Bond Port, the global cash bond agency business of UBS, are announcing the iQbonds trading gateway connecting valantic iQbonds clients to Bond Port. iQbonds is valantic’s high-performance solution for electronic bond trading: Market making, bond pricing as well as the connection to electronic markets, exchanges and data platforms are integrated into one application which now includes Bond Port.

“iQbonds connectivity to alternative platforms such as Bond Port provides our clients in this market with direct access to global liquidity pools all through their existing trading interface. In the course of Open Banking, electronic trading platforms offer more flexibility and gateways in order to act quickly and efficiently on all venues. Thus, both sides have gained enormous increase in utility,” explains René Lemme from valantic, why UBS Bond Port integrates valantic’s iQbonds solution.

Mark Eardley, Product Manager of Bond Port, explained that “the integration to Order Management and Execution Management Systems such as iQbonds has contributed to the growth in trading volumes and clients leaving firm liquidity on the platform. Automation is firmly at the centre of Bond Port.”

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Malte Limbrock

Public Relations Officer